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Thank you for considering to adopt a rescued dog.  You will be rewarded daily with your new pet's love, affection, and devotion.  At Rompin Paws Rescue, we feel the animal you adopted has been through enough stress in its life. We strive to give our rescue dogs a fresh start and long, healthy lives with their new human companions.  


Here are some tips to help prepare for your arriving dog!


Rompin Paws Rescue wants your pets to be well covered. Adopters receive a certificate for medical insurance through Trupanion.  Please be advised that you need to activate the certificate within 24 hours after your dog's first veterinary exam. The certificate can be activated over the phone or through Trupanion's website. If you have questions about your policy or coverage you can give them a call at any time!



  • Comprehensive medical insurance

    • New pet owners can enjoy 90% coverage for all new injuries and illnesses, including hereditary and congenital conditions with no payout limits. It’s important to note that we, like all medical insurance companies, are not able to offer coverage for illnesses or injuries that are showing signs or symptoms prior to the certificate activation with Trupanion.*

  • Activation

    • Adopters will need to activate their certificate within 24 hours after their first veterinary exam. There are no requirements on when the exam should take place and they can go to any licensed veterinarian of their choice within the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

  • Immediate coverage

    • Coverage begins immediately upon activation of the certificate, without the standard waiting periods of 5 days of injuries and 30 days for illnesses.

  • No upfront costs

    • Certificates don’t require any financial information to activate. At any time during the 30 days, adopters can call Trupanion or go on their website to convert to a continued policy and at that time you can provide billing information.


Your coverage will be good for 30 days, and you can call or go on their website within that period to extend your coverage. No matter when you provide information in order to continue coverage, the first 30 days are still at no cost to you. They will send a postcard and an email near the end of the 30 days to remind you that your coverage is about to lapse and how to continue it if you so please.



 Trupanion Customer Care team is here 24/7 for our adopters. They are a 100% pet friendly office, so when you call it is likely that you will be speaking with a representative who has their own pooch laying at their feet. 




We have put together some basic yet important feeding guidelines to help your pet have the most vital, healthy, and disease free life as possible.  We sincerely hope you continue to feed your new pet the foods we have been giving them and keep up on the healthiest foods available for the rest of their lives.   

We promise you won't be sorry and your wallet will thank you when the only thing your dog needs at the vet are vaccinations and teeth cleaning.


To begin,

We highly recommend an email subscription to this naturopathic veterinarian's blog. 
Dr. Becker is awesome:



Dog Food



Like us, dogs need quality nutrition to maintain optimal health and well being.  Sure, they’ll happily eat the cheap stuff that’s loaded with fillers, sugars, grains, and by-products. (Wouldn’t your kids prefer candy, potato chips and hotdogs if left to choose for themselves?) But if you really want to maximize your dog’s potential - and coincidentally, minimize your poop scooping quantity - do some research and purchase the best dog food your budget can sustain. Studies show that switching to a higher quality food can add up to two years to your dog’s life! (that's 14 extra years to a dog)

*Please note: Dogs cannot live Healthily on Dry dog food. There is not enough nutrition to support your beloved pet. Also it is not nearly as economical as The Honest Kitchen whose cost per serving is less expensive yet it offers complete nutrition.  


**Also note, most mainstream Brands such as Iams, Purina, Pedigree, Rachel Ray, and no name brands etc. get their "meat protein" from farm animals that died and were unfit for human consumption as well as all the animals euthanized in shelters. These animals are rendered down, used in kibble, and listed as meat protein or animal protein on the packaging. It can also be found in poor quality canned dog food products such as Alpo, Iams, etc.



A. All the puppies are currently eating freeze dried food and receive regular servings of fresh goat milk on the side or poured over the food, warmed up.


If you have any size dog and can afford these foods, they can stay on these freeze dried foods for life. Most are rated 5 star for nutritional values.


You can't buy more nutritious foods anywhere. These are all 5 star foods. Your local pet food store will have any new brands as they come out in the future. 

This is the way of the future of dog food and it's awesome! 

Remember, you are feeding these foods in a much smaller quantity than you would dry or canned foods because they are packed with nutrition and calories.


The freeze dried food is 100% nutrition, no fillers, no grains.  

 Click on the links to learn more about each product.

The freeze dried foods are by:

   a. Orijen:                             

   B. Natures Variety                 

   C. Steves Freeze dried dog foods 



B. The rescue feeds adult dogs and puppies these Foods as well. Freeze dried foods may be mixed in to add flavor and keep it interesting for your dog


The Honest Kitchen is one of the foods along with the freeze dried products mentioned- the rescue feeds all Adult Dogs.

It is very economical and also pure nutrition. Just add warm water, do not cook.  The Honest Kitchen will give you the best bang for your dollar. It is complete nutrition, no waste and the dogs only need a small portion (follow box) to be Full, Happy and Healthy.  The per serving cost is less then the inferior foods as a small amount goes a long way.  (I.E you need to feed them a lot less of this food to give them superior nutrition the other foods can't come close to providing). Good nutrition means a happy, healthy, correct weight dog with good energy and less chance of developing cancer, skin problems or crippling diseases.


Please visit their website to learn more


   The Honest Kitchen:


      Honest Kitchen reviews


We also Use NRG a Canadian company and love their products. They are more expensive than The honest Kitchen but if you cannt afford on a regular basis, it's a nice substitute food for the dogs to have once or twice a week so they have variety.




The above freeze dried and dehydrated raw foods can be found at Local PET FOOD STORES, such as MudBay,  Pet Pros,  All The Best,  Next To Nature  and other family run pet food suppliers.  You Will Not find these high quality foods at Petco/Petsmart or a Grocery store.


If you don't have a well run pet food supply store in your area, you may want to order pet foods shipped on a regular basis from:  

They give you a 20% discount on your first order if you set up an autoship and 5% discount thereafter on all autoships.  There is never any sales tax and shipping is free!!


Goats milk/ Pre and Probiotics and Enzymes:


   Goats milk naturally contains pre and probiotics for gut health.  A dogs long term health (and humans) starts in the gut. The above foods are absolutely the best you can buy and the biggest bang for the buck in terms of good nutrition.  Goats milk is SOLID GOLD!!  By adding this to your puppy's freeze dried foods everyday, you keep their growing intestinal health at optimal levels.  If your dog is ever looking sluggish, try goats milk and keep a jar of pre-biotics on hand to add to their food (found in pet food stores).  

Here at the rescue we purchase 5lb buckets of: "The Great Life: Enzymes Pro Plus"



PLEASE READ THESE ARTICLES for more in depth information:

Discussion of euthanized animals in our pet foods

Healthy pet food ingredient article




   a. OILS are critical to the health of your dogs skin and fur but also keeps their joints lubricated and lessens free radicals depositing in the joints that cause arthritis.  Start them on oils while young or as soon as you adopt by adding daily to their wet foods.  I mix it up. Primarily my dogs receive salmon oils from Alaska, but I also add Olive oils, coconut oil, or Flax seed oil to their food as each oil contains different micronutrients for overall health.




   b.  SEA MEAL by "Solid Gold Brand"  This products' natural sea derived elements offer pets over 70 critical micronutrients and minerals. Awesome for joint health and overall wellness. Add to wet food and it expands. My dogs/rescues/fosters love it and get it everyday.


   c. JOINT SUPPLEMENTS:  All my large breed dogs and dachshunds go on these two supplements immediately and I keep them on them for life

  1. Animed Products: Aniflex complete

  2. Animed Products: Muscle up           Purchase at   

  These are made for horses,  vet approved for dogs     

Just an 1/8-1/4 tsp every day mixed into the wet foods and you will have a dog free of joint issues their entire life. My Shepard tore his knee up at 2 yrs old, that's how I found these products. I healed the knee over the course of a year and he has been problem free since and is 10 years old now.

Here is a link on Amazon to an awesome book on natural health care for your pets:*Version*=1&*entries*=0


Training Your New Dog/Obedience Training Classes


Adopting a puppy? You will want to review this article and watch the video:



PER Your Contract with Rompin Paws Rescue, Your dog must be enrolled in training classes the first week of adoption to maximize the window of opportunity.


The Benefits of Training

The benefits of having a trained dog are nearly limitless! From the moment you get your new puppy or dog, here’s a run-down of just some of the advantages and benefits:

Benefits of Dog Training:

  • Puppy classes provide the opportunity for getting your new family member started off right. Puppy classes provide the experiences and opportunities for your puppy to develop interaction skills with other puppies, with people, and in new environments.

  • Puppy socialization has been found to be critical to the psychological health of adult dogs. Puppy classes provide the opportunity for this important facet of your puppy’s upbringing.

  • Training classes provide dog owners the skills and knowledge for dealing with common, normal dog behaviors—starting with puppy behaviors such as housetraining and chewing.

  • No matter what age you start training your dog, foundation training provides the basis for any activity, behavior or job you want your dog to do.

  • Training provides dogs with the basic good manners we all want—from polite greeting when guests arrive, to walking nicely on the leash, to coming when called.

  • A trained dog is a fully participating member of the family—what a gift for all of you!

      A trained dog joins in the fun when company comes, accompanies the family to the kids’ sports games, goes with you to visit friends and relatives, goes for hikes, swims, and everything else the family does together.

  • Training enables you to choose from among a broad range of activities and dog sports to participate in and enjoy with your dog such as dog agility, Rally-obedience, dancing with your dog, tracking, search & rescue, skiing, sledding, water rescue trials, obedience, carting, reading programs, therapy work, and a nearly endless range of fun and philanthropic things to do!

  • Training has been shown to be the single most important thing that keeps a dog in his or her “forever” home.

  • Training builds your mutual bond, enhances the partnership and enriches the relationship you share with your dog. Is there anything better?

  • Having a trained dog is a joy for both you and your dog!


 Crate Training

A crate can become a dogs best friend if used correctly.  By allowing the dog to use a crate as a bed, it becomes a dogs "safe space".  Then if there is an emergency and you need to bug out, say for an earthquake, your dog already feels safe in a crate and will be easier to load quickly.
Dog crates are too often abused.  The recommended maximum time to "lock" a dog inside a crate is two hours. 

To train a dog to his/her new crate, simply leave a crate with the door open and provide clean comfortable bedding. Begin with 15 minutes with door completely closed, then open, then 1/2 hour and up to an hour. Encourage pup to go inside when door is open with a toy or a treat and lie down.  Eventually you will be able to give a command, "Puppy, go to your crate now", and they will.  Make the crate a Happy Place!


Pee Pads, litterbox training your dog and Housebreaking

We train the dogs to pee pads while inside. You can purchase really good washable pads used for bed ridden humans at amazon, they can handle a lot of washings-use the gentle cycle if using a top loading washer.   Did you know? You can also train puppies and small breed puppies/dogs to use a litterbox?  Also see the link to an article on the 4 proven methods of housebreaking a dog at any age.



4 proven methods of housebreaking a dog at any age


Puppy Training Schedule, What to teach your puppy and when


Puppy Training Tips (QUICK AND EASY HOW TO GUIDE) - Petnatics


Please Note: We do not recommend working with or training your dog to a clicker method.

A dog needs to learn how to work with and read your body language and voice tones and you read your dog. clicker trainers are not behavior modificationists.  You need to have you dog under complete voice control at all times and the dog responds instantly. this will not happen with clicker training. You are not going to have time to get a clicker out and get your dog to respond in an emergency. Please go to a well known and reputable dog school for all training.  If you need assistance, we will be happy to send you recommendations.




Here is ANOTHER:  dog trainers point of view



Clickers can’t replace a human voice…. And…. food can’t replace human praise…. Dogs need leadership and not tricks, bribery or psycho-babble. Surely a LEADER should be seen as more than a TEMPORARY INCONVENIENCE and a REFRIGERATOR. Dogs bond with humans, not toys or treats. ( You feed your dog every day….Why doesn’t he obey you?)

Dogs will respond to food as a natural drive, but that doesn’t equate to obedience. It equates to only doing something if there is a reward. You want a dog that wants to follow you, not your full hand.

Dogs want to belong to a “pack” and need to find a leader who keeps things simple, clear, calm and assertive.

THERE ARE NO BAD DOGS….., only dogs trying to make it through life in a human world with behaviours that are part of their genetics until exposed to behavior that we expect from them.

Dogs don’t purposely do things to annoy us. They just do things that they do without making a value judgement about whether it is bad or good, or destructive or annoying. They don’t know the difference until they are shown the difference in a clear, concise, consistent and praise rewarded way.


Here is a website to help you develop a training Schedule for your new Puppy


Here is an invaluable website for training:



Why do I need to follow the contract and sign my medium to large breed dog up for obedience classes?  My dog is really smart. I want to train them myself


The reason for having you take your new dog to Obedience classes is, Yes it is in the contract and YES I expect you to sign him/her up. 

However, that being said, there is the practical side to having a well trained dog.


  • Puppies need to begin training early to establish a bond with their humans and begin to learn expectations. Also, poor behaviors developing in dogs can be avoided because they will never begin. Puppies between Eight and twelve weeks, make the best students. The problem is, most people do not want to start obedience classes until their puppy is already becoming a nuisance and causing problems, this can cause an owner to"get rid" of the dog

  • Having proof of training protects you and your pet. Especially having The Good Canine Citizen Certificate.  

  • Training your puppy means happy dog and happy humans. so far, all of the dogs returned to Rompin Paws Rescue, are because the owner did not follow the contract, lied and said dog was enrolled and they were not, and the dogs developed annoying or dangerous behaviors and the owners became frustrated. 

  • Many of the dogs dying in shelters are because the owners Failed the dog. The consequences of not training your dog will equal human failure with frustrations when the animal will not listen, runs off or is killed because the dog is not under voice command

  • Another reason the contract clause exists- is to protect the Dog. Having a dog under voice command, protects the dogs life:  Shooting deaths of large breed dogs by cops right now is an epidemic in America and the police officers never get in trouble, always citing the dog was being aggressive. You need to have your dog under complete voice commands, at all times.  Every large dog should graduate from the Canine Good Citizen Class.  

Dogs are intelligent, However, we as a species, in general, are not very good at working with and training our dogs when left to our own devices, so professional trainers and dog schools exist to help us get it right!  It is us, that need to learn, so our dogs never get into trouble.


As One Adopter put it recently     " I also wanted to say, thank you for encouraging puppy classes, you don't know what you don't know right? I have already learned SO much, met some amazing people and new furry friends."



Planning for your pets, should you become incapacitated or die   


We highly recommend that your and your spouse or family develop and have a plan in place for your pet should anything happen to you.  

Here is a link to get you motivated.


WHY?  As a rescue, we can attest to the no. of dogs placed into kill shelters by family member when a person/parent/grandparent dies. The deceased had assumed the family would care for their pets and typically, that is not the case. It is sad to watch an animal become depressed on a concrete floor, giving up, not only because it's owner has passed away, but now that dog is in a noisy, crowded shelter and likely will be PTD as well. The asnimal closes down aball of fear and even if rescued is scarred for the rest of it's life.



Leaving your new puppy alone


Please take the time to read this article, it is excellent, and applies to most young puppies and dogs: 



General Care Tips


The Labrador site run by Pippa Mattinson offers some great and practical tips an caring for your rescued dog 


A. Dog Beds 

Best beds Period!! ORGANIC:


Best price for comfy beds- Costco

2nd Best:


B. Food Bowls:    Use stainless steel -they don't hold bacteria.  If you can, Purchase food bowl holders appropriate for their height, they won't crush their esophagus.


C. Leashes and Collars/Harnesses


1. Dogs should be walked on a harness and leash and not by the collar.  A harness allows you to secure the dog with less chance it will slip out and run away during an emergency or if the dog becomes frightened.  Be sure the harness fits snuggly and test to be sure dog cannot slip out. You can also lift a dog up by a well fitting harness in an emergency.

2.  A collar should have an identifying tag, rabies tag and Microchip tag, and local dog License tag to help you recover if dog is ever lost/stolen

3. Rompin Paws Rescue DOES NOT recommend the retractable leashes as they are extremely dangerous.


D.  Dog toys and chews


PLEASE, Never give your dog Rawhide chews.  They are not digestible and can cause gastric blockage that will require dangerous and costly surgery.


1. Sticking with American made products such as West Paw whose toys are non toxic, is safest bet.  Puppies will do best with rubber toys, stay away from stuffed toys and ones with noisemakers. big breed dogs will just tear them open and can swallow the innards causing gastric blockage -requiring surgery to save their life.


2. Dogs love Deer/Elk antlers and the chewing of, releases minerals that are great for all dogs. 

PLEASE, do not feed your dog animal bones, especially beef and especially cooked. cooked bones splinter and raw beef bones can wear the dogs teeth down and destroy their enamel.



E. Flea Protection


This is my personal opinion, so take it as you will. 

I hate flea applications.  

That being said, I do use them when we first rescue a dog, their immune systems tend to be in bad shape and that attracts fleas. We want to rebuild the dogs health and get rid of a pest. 

 Here in the Greater Seattle area, I find that applying monthly applications just lines the vets pockets and often leads to Cancer- ITS A PESTICIDE!!  

 If a dog is well fed, healthy and their environment is clean and they are well groomed, you should NEVER have fleas.  I personally only use flea protection on my dogs/rescues if I see fleas and bathing does not get rid of and bleaching my house and a thorough cleaning for some reason did not work, I will then apply just 1 application to every dog for control. That usually does the trick. I then wash all the bedding and  bleach clean the house and quickly dispose of the vacuum cleaner bags. 3 days later I re-bathe the dogs to wash off the pesticide.


Here is an excellent article for Natural Flea Control and the use of food grade diatomaceous earth:



F. Worming and Parasite Control


A. Since puppies can contract worms from their moms and should be treated regularly while they are young, Here is a cost saving worming treatment, so you are not always running to your vet and spending money on a office visit and new medicines.  


Please note. You should get a fecal at least Four times in the first year of your puppies life so you can treat any parasites or hard to kill microscopic worms that may require special medicines, as well as kill hatching eggs and larvae. Why? Because puppies have not built up any immunity to these invaders and can develop infections in the gut that can KILL THEM! And we have lost puppies at the rescue to infections caused by parasites :(

Do them 2x or more a year thereafter.


This de-wormer has the same ingredient that the wormer your vet will provide, the added bonus is it will kill Giardia as well. You can find this at any feed store (country store) that supplies meds and supplies to farmers, ranchers and hobby farmers. (Please note: Your vet does not want you to know this and may discourage you for the profit they will lose)

It is called SafeGuard, Ask a store clerk for the GOAT WORMER-SafeGuard, get a syringe with measurements on it . 0.1, 0.2 etc..

then dose the puppies and dogs at: 1.2ML per 5 pounds for 5 days straight.   (The instructions on the back of the bottle is for goats, not dogs)


Treatment plan:  1x a day for 5 days to kill all worms, including round and tape worms as well as Giardia. then in 14 days, treat again for 5 days.

then 1x a month after that until they are grown.  As adults treat 4x a year for maintenance.  This product is very safe to use on your dogs. keep in the refridgerator. 

One bottle will go a long way unless you have multiple dogs, but do treat everyone in the house. 


SafeGuard costs about $26.00 at the store or $19.00 online at   

This product is less expensive than 1 treatment the vet will give you of their powdered Panacur, which has to be mixed into wet food and the dog has to eat the entire amount of food to get all of the med. Safeguard is easier, effective and cheap.


B. Puppies should should be given a fecal by your vet,  3-4 times their first year, while young to be sure you don't have Coccidia. There are no real over the counter ways to control Coccidia. Your vet will give you Albon, and you may need to treat 3-4 times to get all of this parasite. It can be deadly to your puppy as it causes an infection in the gut. SO YES, Please DO FECAL EXAMS to control these:


Common Intestinal Parasites

  • ROUNDWORMS: Look like spaghetti in the stool. Cause vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, distended abdomen. In dogs and cats, especially young animals.

  • HOOKWORMS: Rarely seen in the stool. Cause blood loss, diarrhea (bloody), anorexia, vomiting. In dogs and cats.

  • WHIPWORMS: Rarely seen in the stool. Cause diarrhea (bloody), anorexia, weight loss, depression. Usually detected in dogs > 4 months of age, rarely seen in cats.

  • TAPEWORMS: Usually seen in stool, around anus, or on bedding. Looks like grains of rice. Segments are cream colored, but after dying and drying are more orange/brown. Fairly non-pathogenic in animals, but some species can be transmitted to humans. Animals get tapeworms by ingesting fleas and/or rodents. Segments shed every 2-3 months, so animal may have an no apparent infection. Generally only recommend treating if segments are seen because the treatment is quite expensive and the worms are relatively non-pathogenic to animal. Panacur and Strongid will NOT kill tapeworms.

  • COCCIDIA: Protozoal parasite which can cause diarrhea, failure to thrive, and rarely, but occasionally, death. Treated with Albon (Sulfadimethoxine). Diagnosed via fecal float. Most common and debilitating in young animals < 6 months old. Dewormers do NOT kill coccidia. Source of organism is the environment. Once environment is contaminated, it is extremely difficult to get rid of coccidia.

  • GIARDIA: Protozoal parasite which can cause symptoms ranging from no clinical signs to mild diarrhea, to vomiting, severe diarrhea and dehydration. Infection is by the oral route, usually from contaminated water. Diagnosed with a direct fecal exam. Treated with Flagyl (metronidazole). May be an inapparent infection for a long time, then some environmental stress may trigger symptoms. Difficult to get out of the environment once it is present.




  A Bit about Coccidia: What you need to know:


Coccidia, or coccidiosis, in dogs is often treated with a drug called Albon. This protozal infection is the most prevalent and opportunistic intestinal disease in North America. Dogs in kennels are the most susceptible to acquiring this disease, so the use of Albon to help prevent it is recommended.

Coccidia Explained

The coccidia disease is spread through different types of protozoa parasites. Some dogs that acquire coccidia deal with the infection with great ease and little noticeable symptoms. Other dogs, however, become very ill and sometimes even die from coccidia because of the how quickly theparasites multiply within the intestines.

Coccidia affect the intestines so a dog may have watery diarrhea with traces of blood. In more severe cases, a dog's diarrhea will contain blood and mucous, and the dog will strain to relieve himself. Dehydration often accompanies diarrhea along with weight loss and a loss of appetite. Some of the parasites that can cause coccidia can even form small tumors in the intestinal walls. When coccidia affect a dog's nervous system, a dog may have convulsions and muscle tremors.

The sooner coccidia is treated, the better the prognosis for a dog. If left untreated, secondary infections such as pneumonia can develop along with permanent damage to the body.

Treating Coccidia in Dogs with Albon (Sulfadimethoxine)

The first method to treating most dog diseases is with prevention. With this in mind, a veterinarian may recommend that a pet owner give a dog Albon to help prevent coccidia if he will be in a kennel for a period of time. Sulfadimethoxine products can be purchased as a pill, injection, or oral suspension product.

Albon is a low-dose medication that's quickly absorbed into a dog's body and contains a long-lasting sulfonamide. The sulfadimethoxine within Albon is a bacteriostatic agent, which doesn't allow the parasites to create folic acid from from para-aminobenzoic acids. Unlike other animals, when a dog takes Albon, the sulfadimethoxine isn't acetylated and the medication goes through his body unchanged. To ensure coccidia treatment through the use of Albon is successful, a dog should be given this medicine soon after the infection is discovered so he can gain a high sulfonamide level in his body quickly. The infected dog needs to take Albon throughout the whole course of the infection and even for some time afterwards. The length of time which a dog takes Albon depends on the dog's response to the therapy. Typically, a dog will take this medication for about 14 days, until he is asymptomatic for at least 48 hours. However, it is advised that a pet owner administer all of the medication prescribed to a dog that is ill with coccidia so the infection doesn't return. Also, a dog that’s taking Albon for the treatment of coccidia should drink a lot of water so crystals don't form in his urine.

Coccidia is an opportunistic infection that can turn deadly in some dogs quickly. If a dog displays gastrointestinal symptoms, he should be taken to a veterinary clinic so he can be prescribed Albon as soon as possible if he's diagnosed with coccidia.



Disease prevention

Infections/diseases and vaccinations to discuss with your vet. Protect your dog


Parvovirus - Despite there being a vaccine for this, many un-vaccinated dogs succumb to this disease. This attacks the gastrointestinal tract and immune system, causing severe vomiting and diarrhea. It is spread via direct contact with an infected dog or via the feces of an infected dog. Proper cleaning methods of the environment of dogs with Parvo and keeping up on vaccinations can prevent a dog/puppy from catching this very contagious and often fatal disease.


Distemper - As with parvo, there is a vaccine for this. Distemper is high contagious infection of the respiratory and/or gastrointestinal tract. It begins with weakness and coughing. As it progresses a dog may develop diarrhea. In later stages, it attacks the dog's central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. The dog may have seizures, paralysis before dying. Keeping your Dog/puppy vaccinated - with all puppy shots and boosters ( 1x every 9 years for Distemper) 


Leptospirosis - There are many strains of leptospirosis (including tick disease) and not all dogs that catch this die from it. However, it can cause fatal liver and kidney damage. Most strains of fatal strains of leptospirosis are spread via the urine of wild animals. This includes raccoon, skunks and rats. Dogs can catch this when drinking from contaminated water; though it can also spread via sniffing of infection in urine puddles.


There are 2 ways to prevent this:


1) By not allowing a dog to go near the urine of wild animals or drink from any water source that an animal many have urinated into.


2) Vaccination - This is a bit tricky, because in the U.S. this is not included in standard vaccinations. The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) considers leptospirosis vaccine a “non-core”. This means that it is only recommended for dogs that have a high chance of exposure. In addition, some breeds tends to not react well to this particular inoculation. (Chihuahuas) It is up to owners to discuss this with the veterinarian and decide if there is enough wildlife near the home to warrant having the vaccine.


Sepsis - This refers to septic shock which is a severe infection in the body. Without treatment, it can cause acute kidney failure, liver failure and/or acute respiratory distress syndrome. Even with proper treatment, only roughly 40% of dogs survive.


There are many causes of sepsis, including prostatic infection, pneumonia and bacterial infection of the heart. However, with the Chihuahua breed, the one that owners will want to be concerned about is blood infection. This breed is highly susceptible to tooth decay. When a tooth becomes infected and is not treated, the infection can spread throughout the body, leading to sepsis.


As with many fatal diseases, this one - when due to dental disease - is preventable with proper at-home and professional dental care


Common Diseases in Detail/Care and Treatments



Canine parvovirus is a contagious and extremely dangerous disease in dogs. It is transmitted through direct contact with infected feces, vomit or with infected surfaces and soil. The virus has a high resistance and survives in the environment for a long time, having a high mortality rate in dogs. Puppies under 6 months old are most prone to catching this virus, therefore it is highly recommended to vaccinate your dog and check with your veterinarian for methods to prevent catching this disease.

Canine Parvovirus Incubation Period

The parvovirus is extremely resistant: it can survive in the environment up to 7 months adapting to various pH ranges and temperature changes. Once it is ingested, the parvovirus has a period of incubation of 3 to 7 days.

Usually, the virus is first eliminated in the feces on day 3 and the shedding continues for another 10 days. After 10 to 14 days, the dog might stop shedding the virus making it undetectable in the feces. Rarely, clinically infected dogs shed the virus periodically.

In the first stage, the infection is subclinical, that is, it does not exhibit any symptoms. This is why this infection is highly contagious: during the incubation period the dog is shedding the virus in the environment without displaying any symptoms and other dogs might get easily infected.

When ingested, the virus rapidly replicates in the lymphatic tissue spreading quickly in the bloodstream and throughout the body attacking internal organs, especially the intestines and the heart.

Symptoms of Canine Parvovirus Infection

Usually the symptoms of parvovirus infection appear within 5 to 10 days from the ingestion of the virus and consist of

  • Lethargy and depression

  • Vomiting and appetite loss

  • Diarrhea

  • Dehydration

  • Fever

  • Weakness

  • Distinctive odor (in later stages of infection)

Usually the first symptom is lethargy followed by loss of appetite and vomiting. The main cause of death in infected dogs is dehydration or other secondary diseases it sets ground for rather than the virus itself.

It is important that you take action from the first symptoms since this is a condition that severely endangers your dog’s health. Treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Prevention of Parvovirus Infection

The success rate in treating this infection is not high. Basically, preventing this infection is the best way to maintain your dog healthy.

The virus is very strong and highly contagious and the only disinfectant killing it is bleach. Therefore, in order to protect your dog, it is best to vaccinate him as early as the protection given by maternal antibodies from his mother’s milk wears off. Young puppies are vaccinated in a series of doses. Puppies older than 16 weeks are usually vaccinated 3 to 4 weeks apart. When he grows up, it’s best to vaccinate your dog once a year.

The owner of an infected dog should notify neighbors and isolate the pet.

Parvo- Treating naturally, along with Vet supported care:


PetAlive Parvo-K is a 100% natural blend of herbal and homeopathic ingredients specially selected for the treatment of Parvovirus in dogs. Presented in fine, easily dissolved lactose granules, Parvo-K is very easy to administer, even to ill animals who will not swallow tablets. Due to the high safety profile of its natural ingredients, Parvo-K is also free of side-effects. Rompin Paws Rescue keeps Parvo-K in our medicine cases in case of a suspected outbreak or if we feel a puppy needs a boost for protection.

Order from


Use PetAlive Parvo-K  Google online for online purchasing, two day delivery time is typical. good to keep on hand in Pet medicine cabinet

  • As an oral homeopathic vaccine to immunize your dog against Parvovirus

  • To protect against Parvovirus during a known outbreak

  • To treat active Parvovirus under veterinarian supervision

  • To reduce symptoms of Parvo including fever, diarrhea and vomiting


About Parvovirus


Parvo is a viral disease that affects dogs. This illness can cause severe digestive symptoms, as well as fever and shock and may even prove fatal. Parvovirus attacks rapidly dividing cells like those in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract as well as developing white blood cells. In this way parvovirus leads to symptoms like bloody diarrhea, vomiting and loss of proper immune system functioning. Puppies are more commonly and more severely affected than adult dogs due to their still-developing immune system. Puppies can easily succumb to this disease, especially when the virus infects the muscle of the heart.

The first indications of Parvo in an infected dog are usually high fever, lethargy and loss of appetite. Later, vomiting and diarrhea develop. The stool is often bloody and may have a yellowish color and noticeably foul odor. Without effective treatment, dehydration, shock and even death may follow.


How do dogs contract Parvovirus?

Canine parvovirus is carried by dogs, many of whom show no symptoms themselves. The virus is also shed in the diarrhea of infected dogs and can subsequently survive in the ground and the outside environment for a very long time - even several months.

Parvo is a very hardy virus and will survive most household cleaning and disinfectant agents. Chlorine bleach is the most effective way to kill parvovirus and is the usual recommendation by vets. Highly contagious to any unprotected dog, parvovirus may come into your home or yard very easily. Car tires, shoes, rodents and birds may all carry the virus into your pet’s vicinity. This means that even if your dog never leaves your property, it may still be difficult to provide adequate protection from this virus.


Which dogs are more likely to contract Parvo?


Certain canine breeds seem to be more susceptible to Parvo, including Rottweilers and Doberman Pinschers, but all dogs can contract Parvovirus.


How is Parvo diagnosed?


As diarrhea may be caused by a number of other illnesses, Parvo needs to be carefully diagnosed either with a blood test or testing of the dog’s feces.

How is Parvo usually treated?


According to conventional vets, there is no known cure for Parvovirus. Conventional treatment is therefore mostly supportive and consists of maintaining the dog’s body fluids, balancing electrolyte levels and maintaining body temperature.


How can natural remedies help?


Homeopathic treatment for Parvo has long been the only viable method of treating the actual disease as conventional medicine can only provide supportive treatment. Herbal remedies also have a role to play in relieving symptoms and shortening the natural course of the disease for quicker recovery.


What about vaccination?


One way to avoid parvo infection is to make sure that your dog is fully vaccinated. This is, however, easier said than done. Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to successfully vaccinate a puppy for this disease and vaccination every few weeks in the first few months of life is commonly recommended by conventional vets. This is because the immunity a puppy acquires from its mother can interfere with the vaccination process. Because of the difficulty in conferring lifelong immunity to parvovirus via vaccination, most conventional vets also recommend that adult dogs receive a yearly vaccination against this disease for life.

The practice of repeated vaccination is, however, a controversial issue amongst holistic and homeopathic vets, who view vaccination as a threat to strong immune functioning.


100% Natural Ingredients

  • Arsen alb. (6C) is a homeopathic remedy often used for digestive upsets including cramping, vomiting and diarrhea. Also good for dogs showing signs of lethargy and irritability.

  • Verat. alb. (6C) is a homeopathic remedy for violent vomiting, cramps and diarrhea. This remedy is particularly useful for dogs with fever and dehydration which are both common and dangerous in Parvovirus.

  • Belladonna (30C) is used homeopathically for fast relief from acute fever, pain, inflammation and all illnesses with a sudden and severe onset. Thirst, fever and swollen/tender abdomen are further indications for Belladonna.

  • Parvo (30C) is a homeopathic remedy used both prophylactically (preventatively) and curatively in the treatment of canine Parvovirus. Homeopathic nosodes are similar to vaccines in that they help to build protection and resistance against specific diseases. They differ to conventional vaccines in that they are usually manufactured from the products of diseases rather than from a culture of the disease agent or virus itself (as in many conventional vaccines.) Research has shown a high rate of success in the treatment and prevention of Canine Parvovirus using this homeopathic 'vaccine' in contrast to the conventional vaccination which seldom confers immunity without numerous subsequent booster shots.

  • Zingiber officinale (Ginger) has a long history of medicinal use in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic (Indian) medicine. Working mainly in the digestive tract, Zingiber boosts digestive fluids and neutralizes acids, making it an effective alternative to conventional anti-nausea medication. Modern research confirms its effectiveness in relieving the symptoms of nausea, vomiting, indigestion and flatulence. Zingiber has strong anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties and is also used to treat arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

  • Agrimonia eupatoria (Agrimony) helps to relieve diarrhea, reduces inflammation of the mucus membranes and soothes restless animals. This herb has been used for centuries in the treatment of digestive disease including colitis, appendicitis and diarrhea. Agrimony is a bitter, mildly astringent, tonic, diuretic herb that may help control bleeding, improve liver and gall bladder functions, treat fever and have anti-inflammatory effects.


Available in 20 grams. One 20 g bottle of granules will last between one and four weeks, depending on the size and dosage needs of your pet.






Coccidia in Dogs and Cats

Coccidia are parasites that are often misunderstood. After the first exposure, Coccidian parasites are always present in the animal's intestines, and they're just waiting to take advantage of any digestive upset. It is rarely the initial cause of the diarrhea, but once diarrhea starts, the Coccidia will grow to large numbers to keep the diarrhea going. Coccidia are spread through feces, and younger animals are more susceptible to the disease because of their underdeveloped immune systems. Coccidia are a major issue for babies under 8 weeks old and can even kill them.


Puppies are born with a sterile gut, and their mother seeds their gut with good bacteria during cleaning and care. However, puppies are often introduced to Coccidia through their mothers' infected feces. Coccidia can be spread from puppies to kittens and vice versa. The goal is to keep the puppy's exposure to a minimum number. 

There are a variety of products you can use for both treatment and prevention, but the goal is to keep the numbers so low in the kennel that you rarely need to treat.


Marquis® is used to both prevent and treat Coccidia (Plumb). It works well and the once-a-week dose is easy to administer. Marquis (Ponazuril) will cause dry eye, so use caution in puppies under 6 weeks old - eye ulcers may develop in flat-nosed breeds. Marquis lasts 7 days, and when it's given before shipment, it's very effective in stopping Coccidia from overwhelming the puppy as he adjusts to his new home. It is also okay to use late pregnancy.



Coccidia prevention needs to be started before birth and continued to the weaned babies. However, be cautious as many products are not safe in pregnant moms! You can never use sulfa between the 25th and 30th day of gestation as you increase cleft palate in dogs or cats. That is when the palate closes.

Another important part of prevention includes insect and rodent control, as mice and cockroaches can carry Coccidia. It is also important to practice strict sanitation. Because Coccidia spreads primarily through feces, all fecal matter should be removed regularly. This will help prevent food and water from becoming contaminated with feces. 


CocciGuard is an easy way to prevent Coccidia - simply add it to your puppy's food. Decoquinate works by preventing Coccidia from reproducing so they die of attrition (old age). CocciGuard is safe for pregnant dogs! The mother should also be fed puppy food with CocciGuard; feed the last two weeks of pregnancy. This decreases the number of Coccidia the mother can give to the puppies. When you wean the puppies onto CocciGuard, it controls the issue until you move them to their new home.

Babies can go on Albon® or a generic after weaning for 7 days. Can also use on moms after 35 days pregnant.

Amprolium (Corid®) can also be used as Coccidia prevention. The flavor is terrible, so some people add raspberry or strawberry flavoring to help with the taste. For small breeds, do not mix it with water because they tend to get dehydrated from not drinking. The preferred way to use Amprolium is to drench the puppy daily - you know the dose is in and they will also drink adequate water.

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